Selasa, 28 Agustus 2018

PBAK: Internalisasikan Budaya Akademik Wujudkan Kampus Peradaban

IAIN Parepare--- Pembukaan Pengenalan Budaya Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (PBAK) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare resmi dibuka oleh Rektor IAIN Parepare, Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan di pelataran gedung zona akreditasi, IAIN Parepare (28/08).

Dihadiri oleh segenap sivitas akademika IAIN Parepare, peserta PBAK diikuti sebanyak 1.832 orang yang terdiri dari mahasiswa baru 1.789 orang dan mahasiswa lama 43 orang. Masih terdapat beberapa mahasiswa baru yang belum mengikuti PBAK dan dipastikan akan mengikuti kegiatan PBAK pada tahun berikutnya.

[caption id="attachment_8695" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Ketua Panitia PBAK, Dr. Hj. Hamdanah Said, M. Si[/caption]

Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare merupakan lembaga formal dan menjadi social change serta menjadi institut yang mengembang budaya akademik yang berpangkal pada tridharma perguruan tinggi yakni pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian pada masyarakat. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan penjelasan ketua panitia Pengenalan Budaya Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (PBAK), Dr. Hj. Hamdanah Said.

"Dalam upaya membantu proses upaya sosialisasi mahasiswa baru ke dalam budaya akademik dan sistem yang berlaku di IAIN Parepare maka diselenggarakan suatu kegiatan akademik dengan visi terwujudnya mahasiswa yang berakhlakul karimah, inovatif, mandiri dalam mengembang kajian Islam dan akulturasi budaya berbasis teknologi informasi," ungkap Ketua Panitia PBAK 2018, Dr. Hj. Hamdanah Said.

[caption id="attachment_8692" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Penyematan ID Card Peserta PBAK[/caption]

Sementara Rektor, IAIN Parepare Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan dalam sambutannya mewajibkan mahasiswa yang akan menjadi pengurus Organisasi kemahasiswaan (Ormawa) kampus, nantinya harus memiliki sertifikat PBAK sebagai tanda bukti telah lulus mengikuti kegiatan tersebut.

[caption id="attachment_8696" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Rektor IAIN Parepare, Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan, M. Si[/caption]

Lebih lanjut, Ahmad juga mengajak mahasiswa untuk aktif dalam keoraganisasi tanpa mengindahkan aktivitas perkuliahan. "Tidak ada organisasi kemahasiswaan di IAIN Parepare ini yang mengajari anggotanya bermalas-malasan dan mengutamakan kegiatan organisasi daripada perkuliahan. Semua organisasi kemahasiswaan tetap mengedepankan perkuliahan disamping organisasi. Organisasi sukses, menuntut ilmu juga sukses," jelas Rektor IAIN Parepare, Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan sebelum membuka kegiatan.

Adapun tujuan dilaksanakannya PBAK, sebagai berikut:

  1. Mengembangkan pemahaman dan penghayatan peserta terhadap sistem pendidikan di IAIN Parepare

  2. Mengembangkan kecerdasan spritual, emosional, intelektual dan sosial peserta

  3. Memupuk semangat solidaritas dan toleransi antara sivitas akademika

  4. Mengembangkan rasa memiliki dan tanggungjawab akademik, sosial terhadap disiplin ilmu

  5. Mengembangkan sikap kritis dan kreatif mahasiswa

  6. Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal

[caption id="attachment_8693" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Persembahan Tari Kreasi oleh Aliansi Mahasiswa Seni (Animasi) IAIN Parepare[/caption]


Menwa IAIN Parepare, Umumkan Hasil Napak Tilas sewolter Mongosidi Sulawesi Selatan

IAIN Parepare---Setelah melaksanakan seminar bela negara pada hari Minggu (26/08), Resimen mahasiswa (Menwa) satuan 709 Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare juga merangkaikan kegiatan napak tilas se-Wolter Mongosidi Sulawesi Selatan (27/08).

Napak tilas tersebut diikuti sebanyak 14 tim yang terdiri dari 3 orang pertim dari berbagai satuan Menwa perguruan tinggi yang ada di Sulawesi Selatan serta beberapa organisasi pemuda lingkup kota Parepare.

Sebelumnya, para peserta napak tilas dilepas langsung oleh Dr. Abu Bakar Judda selaku Pelaksana tugas (Plt) Wakil Rektor III bidang Kemahasiswaan, Alumni dan Kerjasama, IAIN Parepare. Setiap tim berjalan kaki sejauh kurang lebih 18 Kilometer mengelilingi kota Parepare dengan kriteria penilaian kecepatan, kekompakan dan keutuhan tim.

[caption id="attachment_8687" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto sisi kiri: Dr. Abu Bakar Juddah[/caption]

Lomba napak tilas tersebut juga bekerjasama dengan TNI, Polri, KSR (Korp Suka Rela) Unit 01 IAN Parepare serta Call Center 112 kota Parepare guna menjaga kelancaran kegiatan.

Dalam pengumuman pemenang yang dilaksanakan di Aula IAIN Parepare (Senin malam, 27/08), Resimen Mahasiswa satuan 702 Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) berhasil menjuarai piala bergilir Rektor IAIN Parepare. Penyerahan piala turut dihadiri Komandan Menwa Wolter Mongosidi, Ir. Hendro Budi Santoso, M. Si.



Senin, 27 Agustus 2018

Technical Meeting PBAK dirangkaikan Placement Test

IAIN Parepare--- Sebanyak 1789  mahasiswa mengikuti technical meeting (pertemuan teknis) pada Pengenalan Budaya Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (PBAK) di pelataran gedung zona akreditasi, IAIN Parepare (27/08).

[caption id="attachment_8668" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: ribuan mahasiswa[/caption]

Technical meeting tersebut juga turut dirangkaikan dengan kegiatan placement test yang akan berlangsung selama 2 hari. Placement test dilakukan guna mengetahui kemampuan awal mahasiswa dalam membaca kitab suci Al-Qur'an. Menurut Ketua panitia, Dr. Hj. Hamdanah Said, hasil placement test akan dikategorikan menjadi 4 kategori.

"Kategori pasih akan mendapatkan nilai A, kategori lancar mendapat B. Mahasiswa yang mendapat nilai C dan D  akan dibina oleh Pusat  Pengembangan Sumber Daya Insani yang Handal (PASIH ) IAIN Parepare sedangkan mahasiswa yang mendapatkan nilai A dan B akan mendapatkan sertifikat," jelasnya saat ditemui di sekretariatan panitia PBAK.

[caption id="attachment_8670" align="alignnone" width="353"] Foto: Salah seorang penguji, Placement test[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8671" align="alignnone" width="300"] Para peserta Placement Test dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok dalam setiap kelompok terdiri 40 orang.[/caption]

Mahasiswa yang mengikuti placement test merupakan mahasiswa baru dan mahasiswa lama di mana mereka belum pernah mengikuti kegiatan PBAK. Selain itu, dalam technical meeting para mahasiswa juga melakukan penandatanganan pakta integritas.





Resimen Mahasiwa IAIN Parepare Gelar Seminar Bela Negara

IAIN Parepare--- Resimen mahasiswa satuan 709 Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare menggelar seminar bela negara di Aula IAIN Parepare, Minggu (26/08). Dihadiri puluhan peserta dari resimen mahasiswa  IAIN Parapare dan anggota resimen dari perguruan tinggi  se-wolter Mongisi yakni Bone, Makassar, Palopo, Sengkang serta beberapa utusan dari organisasi pemuda lingkup kota Parepare.

Seminar yang dibuka Rektor IAIN Parepare diwakili Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Wakil Ketua III bidang Kemahasiswaan Alumni dan Kerjasama, Dr. Abu Bakar Juddah dalam sambutannya mengapresiasi seminar yang dilaksanakan oleh resimen 709 di mana hal tersebut dapat mengubah dan membentuk mental pemuda untuk lebih mencintai Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI)

Hadir dalam seminar tersebut Danramil 1405/02 Soreang Kapt. Inf Basri membawakan materi wawasan kebangsaan, Polres Parepare yang diwakili Kaur bin ops Satbinmas Polres Parepare/Ipda Marino tentang penegasan bhinneka tunggal ika sebagai perekat kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara untuk memperkuat wawasan nusantara  serta salah satu dosen IAIN Parepare Dr. Hannani dengan materi akhlakul karimah sebagai pondasi utama untuk memperkokoh bhinneka tunggal ika.

Melalui tersebut diharapkan mahasiswa sebagai agen perubahan harus menjadi contoh yang baik pada masyarakat sehingga dapat  membantu masyarakat demi tercapainya paham akan nilai kebangsaan.

Reporter: Megawati

Editor: Hayana

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2018

Rektor IAIN Parepare Ajak Masyarakat Latimojong Tangkal Radikslisme

IAIN Parepare---Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare telah melaksanakan seminar radikalisme di Desa Latimojong kabupaten Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan, Selasa (21/08). Dengan mengangkat tema menangkal Paham Radikalisme dan Intoleran antar Umat Beragama, tampil sebagai narasumber Rektor IAIN Parepare Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan, M. Si.

[caption id="attachment_8650" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan (Rektor IAIN Parepare) menyerahkan bantuan, Iqra 140 buah, disaksikan Dr. Zainal Said (Kepala P3M IAIN Parepare) dan Dr. Ramli (Ketua Panitia KPM 2018)[/caption]

Selain mengadakan seminar, pada keeseokan harinya (22/08), Rektor IAIN Parepare juga turut melaksanakan shalat Idul Adha 1439 Hijriah bersama masyarakat desa Latimojong serta sejumlah mahasiswa IAIN Parepare yang tengah melakukan Kuliah Pengabdian Masyarakat (KPM) pada desa tersebut.


[caption id="attachment_8648" align="alignnone" width="300"] Suasana Shalat Idul Adha 1439 H.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8649" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto Bersama[/caption]




Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018

Dosen IAIN Parepare Belajar Riset Internasional Ke Universitas Leiden Belanda

Diktis, subdit penelitian dan publikasi Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia (RI), tahun ini mengirim sebanyak sembilan orang dosen yang berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (PTKIN) dan PTKIS se-Indonesia untuk mengikuti Short Course berstandar Internasional di Universitas Leiden Belanda. Salah satu diantara 9 orang tersebut yakni Dr. Ali Halidin. Ia merupakan salah seorang dosen pada jurusan Tarbiyah, IAIN Parepare.

[caption id="attachment_8616" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Dr. Ali Halidin, M. Pd. I (Dosen pada jurusan Tarbiyah, IAIN Parepare)[/caption]


Dari wawancara via whatsApp (Selasa, 21/08), Dr. Ali Halidin menjelaskan adapun materi pembelajaran yang akan diikuti dalam short course tersebut meliputi studi metodologi riset, akademik writing, riset publication, Islamic Study dan juga studi naskah klasik yang ada di perpustakaan Belanda. "Sampai saat ini naskah-naskah tersebut masih tersimpan dengan rapi dan terjaga, namun perlu untuk selalu dikaji dan diteliti konsep-konsep kandungan didalamnya", jelasnya.

Beberapa profesor, peneliti dan penulis hebat akan terlibat sebagai pengajar dalam short course ini, diantaranya professor Dr. David Henley, salah satu peneliti yang mengkaji tentang Contemporary Indonesia, Dr. Nico Captain Islam and Souheast Asia, Prof. Dr. Wadad Kadi, dan Prof. Dr. Petra Sijpesteijn, sebagai Senior Professor dalam studi Islam Arab serta beberapa pengajar lainnya yang ahli dalam naskah-naskah klasik.  Short course ini akan berlangsung selama sebulan penuh, mulai dari tanggal 20 Agustus dan berakhir pada tanggal 20 September 2018.


Jumat, 17 Agustus 2018

IAIN Parepare Peringati HUT RI ke 73 : Kerja Kita Prestasi Bangsa

IAIN Parepare--- Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare menggelar upacara peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun  Republik Indonesia (HUT RI) yang ke 73 tahun di pelataran zona akreditasi IAIN Parepare, Jum'at (17/08).

Upacara yang diselenggarakan tiap tahun tersebut berlangsung penuh khidmat dan semarak yang diiringi pengibaran bendera merah putih oleh pasukan pengibar bendera mahasiswa IAIN Parepare.


Dalam sambutan Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi RI yang dibacakan langsung oleh Rektor IAIN Parepare, Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan selaku inspektur upacara menyampaikan banyaknya prestasi yang diraih bangsa Indonesia menjadi sebuah anugerah dan kekuatan yang menjadi keyakinan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan daya saing kemandirian bangsa.

[caption id="attachment_8592" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan, M. Si (Rektor IAIN Parepare/ Inspektur Upacara)[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_8601" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Peserta Upacara[/caption]

Selain itu, Ahmad Sultra Rustan juga mengajak semua elemen sivitas akademik IAIN Parepare untuk memahami secara utuh pancasila dan kebhinekaan.

"Saya berharap tidak ada satupun dari sivitas akademik yang menganggap bahwa bendera itu tak perlu dihormati, upacara tidak perlu kita ikuti. Perlu kita ketahui bahwa posisi bendera kita ini adalah simbol negara kita, pancasila adalah simbol negara kita. Tidak bisa kita sepadankan dengan Al-Qur'an. Al-Qur'an tentu perlu berada pada tingkat yang atas. Maka kita semua akan berdosa, manakala lambang negara kita, mau kita setarakan dengan Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadis," jelasnya usai membacakan sambutan Mohamad Nasir, Menteri Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi.

Ahmad Sultra Rustan juga berharap agar mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam organisisasi  kemahasiswaan IAIN Parepare senantiasa melakukan pengkajian tentang bela negara, pancasila dalam hal bhineka tunggal ika agar menjadi bangsa yang kuat serta menghargai simbol-simbol dan undang-undang yang ada di negara Republik Indonesia.

"Khusus kepada anak-anakku mahasiswa baru, di kampus yang kita cintai ini. Kita saling menghargai, kita saling toleransi. Tetapi toleransi dan menghargai tetap berada dalam kode etik IAIN Parepare," tambahnya. Adapun kode etik yang dimaksud seperti memperlihatkan wajah secarah utuh (tidak memakai cadar) bagi mahasiswi agar tetap bisa dikenali.

Dalam upacara tersebut, juga dirangkaikan dengan penyematan tanda kehormatan karya satya lencana pengabdian 10 tahun dan 20 tahun serta pengumuman pemenang pada pekan olaraga peringatan HUT RI ke 73 tahun.

[caption id="attachment_8600" align="alignnone" width="291"] Daftar nama penerima tanda kehormatan karya satya lencana pengabdian 10 tahun dan 20 tahun[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_8597" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Penerima tanda kehormatan karya satya lencana[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8598" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Pemberian hadiah[/caption]

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2018

Methods of Steering clear of Legal Knots Regarding Code Violation

Today one needs to become definitely very discreet on dealing having legitimate is important since possibly even a peccadillo can ruin you big time. Independent of the harassment, you might get into genuine tangles as opposed to end way up causing you to be give your weighty volume of excellent. Herein many of us will look at the numerous ways when you can refrain from getting a good discover with breach anytime you tend to be as much as giving your belongings or simply old home for great deals.
Let us these days look at often the various elements that you should continue to keep in thought process in avoiding any sort of codes infringement claims along with reduce the importance of your residence to a great extent. However, so that you can manner violation check inspector a person need to help make sure often the individual practical knowledge and possesses the appropriate know-how while in the area.
Using tend to be some with the aspects that the inspector will lay pressure regarding; that's why you should get sure to have these locations properly was able.
The exact plumbing of the house is certainly something that inspectors set focus on. Often the material with which the pipes stuffs are created will always be inspected along with they need to be manufactured by means of an established supplier. The very attitude regarding plumbing related really should be on least about half the diameter of the drainage conduit diameter. Additionally presently there will need to also end up being no leakages.
Electrical technique
The in general electro-mechanical structure of your house should get in line with the protocols in addition to suit with that the strategies that have been handed by means of the respected body. There ought to be at very least 4 inches width of absolutely free director setup in the electric outlet. Just about every individual region currently in use around the electricity process has to be manufactured simply by a recognized shape. The space amongst the outlets will furthermore be examined by the actual inspector. Whenever they happen to be definitely not around accordance having the plan then simply you is going to be offered which includes a computer code violation recognize.
Mounting inspection
There's a host with items that one needs to keep in thoughts to be sure that the casings are usually sufficient. Typically the real wood things together with casings which might be used must be coming from a regarded manufacturer. Apart from this, there are lots of other important things that sovrano aimed at. Meant for example, the position of the studs are in the particular centre or not, the area between typically the anchor nuts are in right sequence or not, installing the hearth stopping for the hardwood frame is suitable or never in addition to and many others.
Assessment for the floor and the actual roof structure
Now there are numerous things that have to have to be considered that will ensure having a positive outcome of the main inspection. Some of the very important things that really must be kept with consideration are actually support on the conclusion joint capsules of the subflooring, the suitable correlation on the structural cells. The actual fingernail dimension which may be highly recommended because of the computer also need to end up being followed.
These are examples of the important issues make fish an particular person ought to always keep in mind to ensure the ok and also simple check approach. Through doing this kind of they will get able for you to keep away from every sort involving detect with infringement.
Learn more: .

Methods of Getting rid of Legal Troubles Regarding Exchange Violation

In today's world one preferences to be totally prudent on dealing using appropriate makes a difference simply because perhaps even a peccadillo can problems you big time. Besides the harassment, you will get into lawful tangles as opposed to end in place making you pay out some sort of significant level of very good. Outlined in this article we will talk about the several ways when you can keep clear of getting a recognize with violation when you usually are close to offering up your stuff or old home for selling.
Let’s currently go over the actual various elements that a single need to continue to keep in intellect to prevent just about any sort about style breach issues as well as reduce the importance of your family home to a high degree. Having said that, prior to you computer code violation take a look at inspector you actually need to help make sure that typically the individual has experience and has the right awareness during the area.
Following are usually some regarding the exact sectors that an inspector would lay down anxiety for; for that reason you should get sure to have these regions properly managed.
The actual plumbing to a house is something of which inspectors lay emphasis on. The particular material of which the water system stuffs tend to be created will come to be checked and they is required to be manufactured just by an accepted supplier. The exact vents of pipes ought to be from least fifty percent the height of the actual drainage line dimension. Also now there ought to also often be no leaks.
Electrical program
The total power method of the place should become according to the protocols in addition to go with with those of the programs that have been went by by the well-respected body. There needs to be at the very least , 4 inches associated with free conductor setup at the store. Each and every component currently in use throughout the electric powered process should be manufactured by just an accepted entire body. Originates from between the outlets will also be looked at by the exact inspector. In the event they are generally in no way with accordance having the blueprint and then you can get dished up that has a style violation detect.
Mounting evaluation
There are a hold associated with important things that you need to preserve in your head make sure that the actual support frames happen to be up to the mark. Typically the hardwood goods and glasses which can be put to use should really be with a recognised manufacturer. In addition to this, there are various other things of which maest? devoted to. Meant for example, the positioning of the exact studs are generally in often the facility or even not, the area between typically the core mounting bolts are usually in suitable get or maybe not, running the flames forestalling with the hardwood frame is acceptable or not along with or anything else.
Test associated with the floors and the exact ceiling
Now there are countless stuff that need to often be thought of that will ensure a positive outcome regarding often the evaluation. Many of the crucial things that must definitely be kept around consideration are usually support throughout the tip joints within the subflooring, the proper link with the structural individual panels. The main toe nail measurements which may be recommended by way of the manner should likewise always be adhered to.
These kinds of are several of the important points that the specific have to preserve in thought process to make certain some sort of perfect and also easy check up method. Through doing this they will possibly be able in order to avoid any specific sort associated with realize involving breach.
Learn more: .

Methods of Staying away from Legal Troubles Regarding Style Violation

These days one preferences to generally be certainly unseen on dealing with authorized counts due to the fact even a peccadillo can hurt you actually substantial time. In addition to the harassment, you can find into appropriate tangles as opposed to end in place causing you to pay off any higher than average amount of wonderful. Outlined in this article we will focus on the several ways in which you can refrain from getting a good notice for infringement when ever you are nearly providing your apartment or perhaps old place for purchase.
Allow us to at this point go over the exact various features that just one have to keep in mind in avoiding just about any sort involving computer code infringement grumbles in addition to reduce the significance of your house to a great extent. Nonetheless, before you decide to manner violation determine inspector everyone need to help make certain the particular individual has experience and possesses the appropriate skills inside industry.
Subsequent will be some with the particular reasons make fish an inspector would likely set emotional stress on; for that reason you actually should produce sure which you have these locations properly mastered.
Often the plumbing of a house will be something in which inspectors put in focus on. Typically the material of which the water system stuffs are produced will come to be looked at and they needs to be manufactured by way of a recognized provider. The grills connected with plumbing should be for least one half the size of often the drainage water pipe height. Additionally truth be told there ought to also come to be no leaks.
Electrical procedure
The all round electric program of the house should end up being in accordance with the tips together with online game with that of the ideas that had been went by by the well-respected body. There should be at lowest half a dozen inches width connected with no cost guía line on the avenue. Every single component currently in use for the electronic process is required to be manufactured through a recognized system. The area around the means will as well be reviewed by the actual inspector. When they happen to be not really within accordance utilizing the seductive plan in that case you will always be delivered by using a manner breach become aware of.
Surrounding inspection
Pros coordinator regarding items that you require to keep in thought process to be certain that typically the frames are sufficient. The actual timber goods together with supports that are utilised ought to be with a known manufacturer. In addition this, there are several other important things this re focused entirely on. Pertaining to example, the positioning of often the studs will be in the main core or even not, the space between the very spine products come in right get or possibly not, installing the hearth obstructing in the real wood frame is acceptable or never and even or anything else.
Test for the ground and the actual roof covering
Right now there are various items that need to have to always be thought of to help ensure a positive outcome regarding the main check. Some of the critical things that really must be kept inside consideration are usually support on the tip joint capsules belonging to the subflooring, the appropriate network of the strength individual panels. The particular toenail measurements that could be recommended because of the computer must also be stuck to.
These kind of are examples of the important issues make fish an personal ought to retain in brain to make certain your flawless and even sleek check procedure. By just doing the they will be able so that you can prevent virtually any sort connected with recognize with violation.
Understand more: .

Effective Ways of Avoiding Legal Knots Regarding Computer Violation

These days one preferences that they are unquestionably prudent in dealing together with genuine issues mainly because perhaps even a peccadillo can hurt you great time. Independent of the harassment, you might get into authorized tangles which could end upwards causing you to fork out any big degree of good. In the following paragraphs all of us will examine the diverse ways when you can avoid getting any recognize with abuse when ever you are generally as many as featuring your property and also old home for good discounts.
I want to right now examine often the various sectors that 1 ought to maintain in thought process in order to avoid almost any sort involving code violation issues along with reduce the value of your house to much extent. Even so, prior to when you manner breach examine inspector you need to make sure the very individual knowledge and features the proper skills on the field.
Following are some of typically the sectors that an inspector would certainly lie down pressure regarding; that's why you should create sure you carry these sections properly managed.
Often the plumbing on the house is definitely something that will inspectors lie down increased exposure of. The actual material which the pipe joints stuffs are produced will always be reviewed as well as they needs to be manufactured simply by an established company. The very atmosphères associated with pipes must be on least 50 % the length of the exact drainage water line length. In addition at this time there really should also come to be no leakages.
Electrical program
The general electrical procedure of your home should be based on the procedures and even fit with which the designs that were definitely went by by means of the authoritative body. There needs to be at lowest a few long involving absolutely free caudillo line on the store. Each and every part which is used with the electric powered process has to be manufactured by way of a recognized system. The room somewhere between the outlets will as well be looked by typically the inspector. Whenever they are actually not necessarily in accordance by using the master plan then you definitely will become dished up which has a codes violation detect.
Forming examination
A few machine about stuff that one needs to always keep in head to make certain the exact glasses usually are up to the mark. The particular lumber things together with supports which can be utilized has to be via a known manufacturer. Aside from this, there are plenty of other factors which will maest? focused on. For example, the position of the exact studs are usually in the exact hospital or possibly not, space between typically the anchorman bolts can be found in appropriate buy as well as not, setting up the flame preventing in the hardwood frame is acceptable or never together with or anything else.
Evaluation with the floor and typically the roof top
Now there are a lot of stuffs that demand to get taken into account so that you can ensure keeping a positive outcome with the actual assessment. Examples of the significant things that really must be kept with consideration are actually support within the finale joint parts within the subflooring, the proper association of the strength solar cells. The actual nail bed dimensions that is highly recommended via the computer should also get stuck to.
Such are a few of the important factors make fish an unique really should preserve in thoughts to make sure a exquisite and light evaluation practice. By doing that they will always be able for you to stay away from every sort for discover connected with violation.
Understand more: .

Effective Ways of Staying away from Legal Knots Regarding Codes Violation

Nowadays one requires to become definitely highly discreet throughout dealing using genuine things mainly because quite possibly a peccadillo can problems an individual big time. Besides the harassment, you may get into lawful tangles that might end way up making you pay your significant quantity of fine. In this article all of us will explore the several ways when you can keep away from getting a realize involving infringement when ever you will be close to providing your stuff or simply old residence for transacting.
Allow us to these days discuss the very various sectors that 1 must maintain in your head to stop any specific sort of program code violation claims plus reduce the significance of your residence largely. Having said that, before you code abuse determine inspector everyone need to help be certain that the particular individual knowledge and seems to have the proper understanding on the discipline.
Next are some involving the very areas that the inspector would probably lie down stress with; for this reason everyone should create sure you've these areas properly succeeded.
Typically the plumbing of any house is definitely something that will inspectors lie down focus on. The material with which the pipes stuffs are designed will get reviewed and also they has to be manufactured by simply an accepted enterprise. The exact ports regarding pipes really should be within least fifty percent the length of the particular drainage line height. At the same time certainly, there will need to also end up being no leakages.
Electrical process
The overall power structure of your house should possibly be depending on policies as well as go with with which the projects that ended up approved by way of the well-respected body. There must be at smallest ?tta long of free piloto twine for the store. Every single component which within the electro-mechanical process is required to be manufactured by an accepted body. Originates from in between the plugs will at the same time be looked by typically the inspector. Whenever they usually are certainly not for accordance having the blueprint after that you definitely will possibly be offered which has a manner violation detect.
Framing four
There are a number regarding issues that you require to retain in brain to make certain that often the supports are generally up to the mark. The very hardwood things together with structures that can be employed should really be out of a recognized manufacturer. In addition to this, there are a few other points which will maest? concentrated on. Intended for example, the positioning of the main studs happen to be in typically the hub or simply not, originates from between often the single point products are located in perfect arrangement or simply not, setting up the fire place preventing in the wooden frame is acceptable or certainly not plus and many others.
Examination for the flooring and the very roofing
Truth be told there are several things that want to come to be thought about to help ensure an attractive outcome regarding typically the evaluation. A number of the critical things that really must be kept inside consideration happen to be support around the conclusion structures in the subflooring, appropriate association of the strength sections. The fasten size that could be encouraged by codes will typically possibly be stuck to.
These kinds of are some of the important important things that an unique have to retain in intellect to guarantee a good perfect plus sleek test practice. By doing this they will always be able to help prevent almost any sort of become aware of of abuse.
Understand more: .

Effective Ways of Eliminating Legal Tangles Regarding Exchange Violation

In today's world one demands to become totally very discreet throughout dealing with legal issues since actually a peccadillo can cause harm to you major time. Aside from the harassment, you might get into authorized tangles actually end upwards allowing you to pay out some sort of hefty measure of high-quality. In this article all of us will explore the numerous ways in which you can stay away from getting a new notice involving breach any time you are as much as supplying your property or maybe old home for purchase.
Let’s now focus on often the various facets that just one need to always keep in thought process to prevent almost any sort for manner violation problems and also reduce the importance of your home greatly. On the other hand, prior to deciding to style abuse check out inspector you need to make certain that typically the individual knowledge and features the proper skills during the niche.
Right after happen to be some for typically the areas make fish an inspector will put in strain about; consequently you should try to make sure that you have these regions properly mastered.
The particular plumbing of the house will be something that inspectors lay down emphasis on. The particular material with which the plumbing stuffs are manufactured will come to be looked at as well as they should be manufactured through an accepted firm. The main vents about plumbing need to be on least fifty percent the length of the actual drainage pipe length. What is more there need to also possibly be no leaking.
Electrical method
The on the whole electricity structure of the house should get in line with the principles as well as go with with regarding the blueprints that were handed down by way of the respected body. There must be at very least ?tta inches of 100 % free caudillo cord with the wall socket. Just about every component currently in use on the electric process must be manufactured by an established shape. Space around the outlets will furthermore be inspected by the main inspector. In the event that they usually are possibly not in accordance utilizing the routine afterward you will certainly be functioned which includes a computer code abuse discover.
Framing test
A few hold about things that you need to preserve in imagination to make sure that the exact glasses are generally sufficient. The actual hardwood things and even eyeglass frames which have been used has to be via a identified manufacturer. Aside from this, there are lots of other issues that will lso are focused on. With regard to example, the career of the studs will be in the main centre as well as not, originates from between often the single point bolts possess been in suitable obtain or possibly not, installing the flames forestalling in the real wood frame is acceptable or never plus and so forth.
Evaluation connected with the ground and the ceiling
There are various issues that will need to be evaluated so that you can ensure a beneficial outcome connected with the main assessment. Examples of the vital things that really must be kept inside consideration will be support within the tip structures of your subflooring, appropriate interconnection belonging to the structural systems. The particular toe nail measurement which may be recommended by the manner also needs to get stuck to.
Those are most of the important factors that the specific will need to maintain in brain to ensure some sort of exquisite along with smooth check up method. By simply doing this they will come to be able in order to keep away from any kind of sort involving see associated with violation.
Look over more: .

Methods of Staying away from Legal Knots Regarding Manner Violation

Nowadays one wants to always be entirely unobtrusive for dealing with authorized things for the reason that possibly even a peccadillo can injure a person big time. Apart from the harassment, you might get into lawful tangles that could end up causing you to fork out a big number of okay. In this post people will talk about the several ways when you can steer clear of getting some recognize involving infringement when you are actually as much as delivering your home or possibly old family home for selling.
Allow us to currently focus on the particular various reasons that just one need to continue to keep in head to prevent yourself from any specific sort associated with code breach grumbles and also reduce the importance of your residence greatly. Then again, prior to you manner breach check inspector anyone need in order to make certain the very individual has experience and provides the right information during the domain.
Next usually are some connected with typically the reasons that an inspector might build stress for; for this reason a person should help to make sure which you have these locations properly handled.
The very plumbing of an house will be something which inspectors lay emphasis on. Often the material of which the water system stuffs are built will be looked and they must be manufactured by just an accepted company. The actual visages with plumbing related needs to be for least one half the dimension of the very drainage conduit height. Additionally there will need to also always be no leaking.
Electrical technique
The all round electricity technique of your property should come to be using the procedures and match up with those of the options that have been passed by way of the respected body. There should be at the very least , 6 inches associated with free automovilista setup in the retailer. Each individual component utilized in the electro-mechanical process must be manufactured just by an established shape. Space among the outlet stores will likewise be examined by the particular inspector. If they are generally possibly not around accordance together with the master plan afterward you will certainly possibly be delivered which has a exchange abuse detect.
At the examination
Theres variety for items that you have to hold in head in order that the actual structures are usually sufficient. The very wooden stuffs along with casings that will be employed needs to be right from a acknowledged manufacturer. Moreover this, there are several other elements that maest? thinking about. To get example, the positioning of the actual studs happen to be in the exact middle and also not, the place between typically the spine mounting bolts possess been in appropriate arrangement and also not, setting up the hearth rejection upon the raw wood frame is correct or not really together with for example.
Assessment regarding the ground and the actual roof covering
Presently there are many items that demand to become considered in mitigation for you to ensure having a positive outcome associated with often the assessment. A number of the important things that must definitely be kept in consideration happen to be support inside the finale structures from the subflooring, the suitable relationship belonging to the strength solar cells. Often the nail dimension that may be preferred by the computer should become stuck to.
These kinds of are a number of the important points that the particular person should really keep in brain in order to some sort of classic and even smooth check procedure. By means of doing this unique they will get able to be able to stay clear of any specific sort regarding discover about violation.

Publikasi Hasil Riset Dosen Tarbiah lewat Seminar

IAIN Parepare--- Jurusan Tarbiyah dan Adab Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare melaksanakan seminar makalah dosen di ruang seminar tarbiyah, Selasa (14/08). Kegiatan tersebut dibuka secara resmi oleh Bahtiar, Ketua jurusan Tarbiyah dan Adab IAIN Parepare.

Sebanyak 9 dosen yang melakukan presentasi, nantinya hasil seminar (kumpulan) makalah dosen akan diterbitkan dalam bentuk buku.

[caption id="attachment_8580" align="alignnone" width="300"] Daftar 9 dosen yang menjadi narasumber (Pelaksanaan mulai tanggal 14 sampai 15 Agustus 2018)[/caption]

Rahman Fasih selaku Ketua panitia menjelaskan kegiatan seminar makalah dosen dilakukan sebagai upaya memberikan pelayanan bagi dosen yang terkendala dalam penyusunan BKD (Beban Kerja Dosen) dalam bidang penelitian dan pengembangan ilmu.

Selain itu, seminar makalah dosen juga diharapkan dapat menjadi motivasi bagi dosen untuk melakukan riset dan publikasi ilmiah.


Selasa, 14 Agustus 2018

Tarbiyah Award: Seleksi Award Guru Berdedikasi sebagai Stimulus Tumbuhkan Etos Kerja

IAIN Parepare---Panitia pelaksana Tarbiyah Award jurusan Tarbiyah dan Adab Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare melaksanakan seleksi award guru berdedikasi sekota Parepare, Selasa (14/08).

Seleksi award guru berdedikasi hanya memfokuskan pada guru-guru berstatus non PNS baik dalam lingkup Dikdas (pendidikan dasar) maupun Kemenag (kementrian agama) kota Parepare. Sedikitnya, 12 guru non PNS yang berhasil melaju ke tahap seleksi wawancara.

[caption id="attachment_8573" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Proses wawancara salah satu peserta[/caption]

"Kami hanya memilih non PNS saja karena kalau PNS itu memang sudah tugasnya mengajar dan berdedikasi pada negara dan lembaga. Kalau non PNS ini, kita harus melihat bagaimana kehidupan guru lebih jauh dan ini ada kaitannya dengan pengabdian masyarakat," tutur Ketua Panitia, Ali Halidin.

Lebih lanjut Ali Halidin menjelaskan hasil dari seleksi guru berdedikasi ini bisa dijadikan sebagai sebuah format pengabdian  berbasis riset. "Tentunya dari 12 orang kita akan memilih 1,2,3 orang yang betul-betul dedikatif yaitu punya jiwa mengabdi," tambahnya.

Sementara Ketua Jurusan Tarbiyah dan Adab, Bahtiar sangat mengapresiasi kegiatan tersebut. "Saya sangat apresiasi terhadap apa yang dilakukan panitia, minimal ada 2 manfaat yang bisa kita ambil di sini. Pertama, penguatan lembaga (akreditasi) serta mendekatkan pada stakeholder. Kedua, saya lihat ini sebagai stimulus untuk menumbuhkan etos kerja sehingga mampu berprestasi," jelasnya saat memberi sambutan yang dilaksanakan di ruang seminar jurusan.

Selain itu, ia juga berharap output (keluaran) dari kegiatan seleksi award guru berdedikasi mampu mewakili kota Parepare di ajang pemilihan guru terbaik baik di tingkat regional maupun nasional.

Info: Khusus Mahasiswa Baru Angkatan 2018

IAIN Parepare --- Bagi mahasiswa baru Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare, pendaftaran Pengenalan Budaya Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (PBAK) dapat dilakukan usai mengikuti kegiatan upacara peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia (HUT RI) yang ke 73 tahun yang akan dilaksanakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal: Jum'at/ 17 Agustus 2018

Pukul: 06:30 sampai selesai

Tempat: Depan gedung Zona Akreditasi IAIN Parepare

Pakaian: Hitam Putih (pakai kopiah bagi laki-laki dan jilbab hitam bagi perempuan)


Rektor Buka Pekan Olahraga dan Resmikan Pusat Olahraga

IAIN Parepare---Pembukaan pekan olaraga dalam rangka peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun Republik Indonesia (HUT RI) yang ke 73 tahun, juga dirangkaikan dengan peresmian penggunaan lapangan IAIN Parepare, Senin (13/08). Lapangan tersebut terdiri dari lapangan futsal dan lapangan tennis.

Ketua panitia pekan olaraga, A. Nurkidam mengungkapkan sebanyak 375 atlet yang terdiri dari berbagai perwakilan unit kampus, dosen, dan mahasiswa. Adapun jenis olaraga yang dipertandingkan seperti vollyball, futsal, tennis lapangan dan lomba masak.

[caption id="attachment_8559" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Ketua Panitia, Drs. A. Nurkidam, M. Hum[/caption]

Kegiatan berlangsung mulai 13 Agustus yang dijadwalkan akan berakhir pada 17 Agustus 2018 sebagai  puncak acara pengumuman para pemenang lomba.

Rektor IAIN Parepare, Ahmad Sultra Rustan berharap agar tetap berorientasi pada suportivitas dan objektivitas. "Mari kita objektif dalam mengikuti lomba ini, supaya kita bisa memiliki bibit-bibit olaraga  yang bisa kita utus dalam kegiatan-kegiatan atau event-event baik itu nasional ataupun domestik,"ajaknya.

[caption id="attachment_8560" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan, M. Si (Rektor IAIN Parepare)[/caption]

Lebih lanjut Ahmad Sultra Rustan menjelaskan kegiatan pekan olaraga tersebut dapat menjadi miniatur pemilu 2019. "Yang menang, kita harus akui menang. Sepertinya apa yang akan kita hadapi dalam pemilu 2019 itu, ada miniaturnya disini. Siapapun juaranya harus itu kita akui sebagai juara," jelasnya.

[caption id="attachment_8561" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Tennis Lapangan[/caption]

Selain itu, Ahmad Sultra Rustan juga mengajak agar senantiasa memelihara lapangan IAIN Parepare dan menggunakan lapangan sesuai dengan fungsinya. "Kalau mau digunakan sebagai tempat lomba baca puisi, bolehlah karena itu ringan. Kalau mau digunakan sepak bola tentu tidak bisa karena ukurannya yang memang tidak memadai juga kontruksinya yang tidak dirancang untuk sepak bola," jelasnya saat memberi sambutan.



[caption id="attachment_8563" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto salah satu tim lomba memasak[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_8564" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto Dewan Juri lomba masak: St. Mulyani, S. Ag (sisi kiri) dan Hj. Musyarafah, S. Sos, M. Si (sisi kanan)[/caption]


Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

IAIN Parepare Galang Dana untuk Korban Lombok

IAIN Parepare--- Segenap civitas akademika Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare, turut berduka atas musibah gempa yang telah melanda para saudara kita di Lombok Utara Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) dan wilayah sekitarnya pada minggu lalu (05/08/2018).

Sebagai bentuk empati, Rektor IAIN Parepare Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan, M. Si hingga berita ini diturunkan masih mengikuti Rapat Koordinasi KPA di Jakarta, menghimbau kepada seluruh civitas akademika IAIN Parepare untuk mengumpulkan dana hingga deadline (Jum'at/10/08/2018) nanti. Untuk para korban yang hingga saat ini telah menewaskan 300 jiwa itu.

Lebih lanjut Rektor IAIN Parepare saat diwawancara via telepon menyampaikan bahwa bantuan tersebut akan disalurkan melalui satu pintu di Kementerian Agama pada Rabu, (15/08) mendatang.

[caption id="attachment_8544" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Saat salah satu donatur yang turut bersedia menyumbang[/caption]

Menurut pantauan hingga saat ini, pengumpulan bantuan terus mengalir pada daftar list, baik dari kalangan pimpinan mulai Rektor, Wakil rektor, dosen dan karyawan.

Untuk itu, Rektor mengungkapkan terima kasih atas partisipasi yang luar biasa khususnya kepada para pimpinan dan seluruh civitas akademika umumnya. Tak lupa Rektor IAIN Parepare juga mengirimkan salam Takzim pada koleganya Rektor UIN Mataram yang ditimpa musibah. "Semoga Allah menjadikan bantuan civitas akademika IAIN Parepare sebagai amal jariyah dan bermanfaat untuk saudara kita yang tertimpa musibah," ujar Ahmad Sultra Rustan, Rektor IAIN Parepare.


Penulis: Nining Artianasari

Senin, 06 Agustus 2018

Tim Assessor Akreditasi Perpustakaan Nasional RI, Kunjungi Perpustakaan IAIN Parepare

IAIN Parepare--- Tim assessor (penilai) akreditasi perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (RI) melakukan kunjungan ke perpustakaan Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare, Senin (06/08). Kunjungan tersebut dalam rangka akreditasi serta pembinaan perpustakaan perguruan tinggi.

Akreditasi perpustakaan merupakan rangkaian kegiatan proses pengakuan formal oleh lembaga akreditasi perpustakaan yang menyatakan bahwa lembaga perpustakaan telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk melakukan kegiatan pengelolaan perpustakaan.

Upriyadi, salah satu assessor mengungkapkan berbagai aspek penilaian dalam proses akreditasi perpustakaan bukan hanya tampilan fisik gedung perpustakaan. “Banyak aspek yang kami nilai selain fisiknya tapi juga koleksinya. Kemudian layanannya, kualitas SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) dan tidak kalah penting komitmen pimpinan terhadap pembinaan perpustakaan,” jelasnya.

[caption id="attachment_8513" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Sisi Kiri, Agus Rivai (Assessor). Tengah, Upriyadi (Assessor) dan sisi kanan, Ahmad Sultra Rustan (Rektor IAIN Parepare).[/caption]


Sementara Rektor IAIN Parepare, Ahmad Sultra Rustan menganggap penilaian terhadap perpustakaan akan memberikan motivasi untuk melakukan yang terbaik dengan memberi pelayanan dan pengadaan literatur-literatur terbaru.

“Selama ini kita tidak tau sampai dimana kemajuan kita. Sekarang dengan adanya akreditasi ini kita akan tahu dimana letak kondisi perpustakaan kita. Salah satu keinginan kita pada tahun 2020 AIPT (Akreditasi Institusi Perguruan Tinggi) IAIN Parepare harus memperoleh hasil A,” ungkap Rektor IAIN Parepare, Ahmad Sultra Rustan saat ditemui di lantai 3.

Gedung perpustakaan IAIN Parepare yang berlantai 5 merupakan gedung baru, dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas menunjang serta berbagai koleksi buku. Adapun pembangunan gedung tersebut dibiayai oleh Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) melalui Surat Berharga Syariah Negara (SBSN).

Pengumuman Persetujuan & Penetapan Dosen Tetap PPNPN 2018

IAIN PAREPARE--Sebanyak 16 orang ditetapkan sebagai Dosen Tetap Bukan Pegawai Negeri Sipil  Insitut Agama Islam Negeri Parepare 2018. 

[ct_button id="button_96" size="small" solid="1" link="" icon="" arrow="1" color="#008B8B" css_animation="" animation_delay=""]Persetujuan Pengangkatan Dosen Tetap[/ct_button][ct_button id="button_54" size="small" solid="1" link="" icon="" arrow="1" color="#008B8B " css_animation="" animation_delay=""]Pengumuman Penerimaan Dosen PPNPN (Download)[/ct_button]

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2018

Pengumuman Penerimaan Warga Asrama Tahap III

IAIN PAREPARE--Berdasarkan ujian lisan tahap III penerimaan  warga  Asrama IAIN Parepare yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2018, peserta yang dinyatakan lulus sebanyak 68 0rang, 20 orang laki-laki dan 48 0rang perempuan. Berikut hasil pengumuman.

[ct_button id="button_95" size="small" solid="1" link="" icon="" arrow="1" color="#F4A460" css_animation="" animation_delay=""]Pengumuman (Download disini)[/ct_button]


1. Warga Baru Asrama melakukan pembayaran sebesar Rp 750.000 dan mengumpulkan fotocopy blangko pembayaran di Kantor Pusat PASIH

2. Warga Baru Asrama wajib mengikuti pertemuan pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2018 Pukul 14 : 00 WITA
di asrama PUTRI lantai 1.

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2018

P2M IAIN Parepare: EDOM, Evaluasi Dosen oleh Mahasiswa

IAIN Parepare---Dalam rangka mengevaluasi kegiatan pembelajaran dosen, Pusat Penjaminan Mutu (P2M) IAIN Parepare menghimbau kepada mahasiswa IAIN Parepare agar melakukan pengisian angket EDOM (Evaluasi Dosen Oleh Mahasiswa) pada Sistem Informasi (SISFO) IAIN Parepare. Pengisian angket EDOM tersebut berlaku bagi mahasiswa sebelum melakukan pengisian KRS (Kartu Rencana Studi), kecuali mahasiswa baru.

Berdasarkan surat pengumuman No. B.040/In.39/KP.0.02/06/2018 tentang Evaluasi Pembelajaran Semester Genap tahun 2017/2018 yang di keluarkan oleh Pusat Penjaminan Mutu (P2M) IAIN Parepare pada bulan Juni lalu (Klik untuk baca berita pengumuman), EDOM  (Evaluasi Dosen Oleh Mahasiswa) adalah rangkaian proses evaluasi untuk memperoleh informasi dari mahasiswa secara objektif mengenai kinerja dosen dalam proses pembelajaran.

[caption id="attachment_8454" align="alignnone" width="300"] Foto: Dr. Firman (Kepala P2M IAIN Parepare)[/caption]

Kepala P2M IAIN Parepare, Dr. Firman mengungkapkan data yang diperoleh dari mahasiswa nantinya digunakan untuk evaluasi dan monitoring pembelajaran. "Hasilnya juga nanti untuk akreditasi karena untuk mengetahui hasil proses pembelajaran itu harus ada datanya yang diperoleh dari mahasiswa. Nanti kalau ada nilainya rendah berarti disitu ada masalah dan akan ditindaklanjuti," jelasnya saat di temui dikantor P2M IAIN Parepare.

Sementara Sufyaldi, salah satu anggota tim teknis EDOM P2M IAIN Parepare menjelaskan  syarat untuk mengisi EDOM harus terdaftar pada semester yang berjalan. "Kalau sudah membayar, tapi belum terdaftar  hubungi bagian keuangan di rektorat untuk heregistrasi," ungkapnya saat diwawancarai via whatsapp.

Selain itu, mahasiswa yang akan mengisi EDOM tidak perlu merasa khawatir dikarenakan identitas dan kerahasiaan data mahasiswa tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata kuliah dan identitas mahasiswa tidak dapat diketahui oleh dosen.
Cara mengisi EDOM : Login pada sisfo kampus (klik login) > klik menu mahasiswa lalu pilih Evaluasi EDOM > pilih tahun akademik > pilih Mata kuliah > pilih dosen yg akan dievaluasi > isi penilaian > isi saran & kritik > simpan ; nilai dari dosen yg bersangkutan akan otomatis tampil di menu nilai mahasiswa.





48 Mahasiswa KPM, ditempatkan di Desa Latimojong Enrekang

IAIN Parepare--- Pemberangkatan gelombang terakhir mahasiswa Kuliah Pengabdian Masyarakat (KPM) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare tertuju pada kabupaten Enrekang, Sulawesi Selatan. Dari jumlah keseluruhan 901 mahasiswa KPM 2018, sebanyak 48 mahasiswa ditempatkan pada desa Latimojong, Enrekang. Mahasiswa tersebut merupakan mahasiswa pilihan mengingat cuaca serta medan perjalanan pada desa Latimojong yang cukup menantang.

[caption id="attachment_8447" align="alignnone" width="300"] (Foto: Pemindahan barang, pemberangkatan mahasiswa KPM bekerjasama dengan Batalyon Infanteri 721/Makkasau atau Yonif 721/Makkasau)[/caption]

Desa Latimojong merupakan desa binaan IAIN Parepare yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan penandatangan MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) pada tahun 2017. Penempatan mahasiswa KPM IAIN Parepare menjadi bukti perwujudan serta konsistensi terhadap MoU tersebut. Hal tersebut dijelaskan oleh Rektor IAIN Parepare, Ahmad Sultra Rustan saat memberi sambutan pada penerimaan mahasiswa KPM di Pendopo Bupati, Kamis (02/08) .
“KPM ini merupakan hasil perwujudan kerjasama antara pemerintah kabupaten Enrekang dengan IAIN Parepare. Setahun yang lalu kita telah mendatangani MoU piagam kerjasama untuk menjadikan desa Latimojong sebagai desa atau wilayah binaan dari IAIN Parepare, kami konsisten menunaikan surat kerjasama itu”, ungkap Rektor IAIN Parepare, Ahmad Sultra Rustan.

Selain menempatkan mahasiswa KPM, IAIN Parepare juga telah menerima 10 orang penduduk desa Latimojong sebagai mahasiswa baru melalui jalur khusus penerimaaan dimana mahasiswa baru tersebut diterima tanpa harus mengikuti tes (bebas tes masuk). 10 mahasiswa tersebut diterima pada 3 program studi (Prodi) yaitu Prodi Jurnalistik Islam, Prodi pengembangan masyarakat Islam dan Prodi manajemen zakat dan wakaf. “Insyaallah, mahasiswa dari desa Latimojong kami terima dari 3 program studi yang kami anggap program studi yang memang relevan dengan kebutuhan kabupaten Enrekang ini,” tambah Ahmad Sultra Rustan.

Sementara Bupati Enrekang, Muslimin Bando mengaku senang terhadap penerimaan mahasiswa baru tersebut dan berharap kepada mahasiswa KPM dapat mengubah pola pikir (mindset) masyarakat desa Latimojong. “Ubah mindset, pola pikir, karakter, budaya yang tidak menguntungkan di Latimojong. Ubah pemikirannya di sana, kerja-kerja fisik saya tidak terlalu menuntut tapi perubahan mindset (pola pikir) ini yang saya harapkan termasuk gaya hidup dan cara penampilan,” harapnya.
Perubahan pola pikir tersebut diharapkan seluruh masyarakat khususnya pada kaum remaja agar terhindar dari tindakan putus sekolah dan meningkatkan kepedulian akan pentingnya pendidikan guna kehidupan yang lebih baik.